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The Town is continually appreciative of the time, energy, and expertise it receives from its resident volunteers. With the support of our residents, the Town will continue to be an active and supportive community.
Auditing Committee
The Auditing Committee reviews the audit of the accounts of the Town required by Section 812 of the Town Charter and conducts reviews of other financial matters of the Town that a majority of the Council may designate. The Committee consists of three members; two of whom must be Town residents. At least one member of the committee shall be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Each member is appointed by the Mayor to serve one-year term. Current Committee Members consist of Council Members Conor Crimmins and Darin Bartram (Council Liaisons); Jeff Capron, CPA; Leslie Olson; and Kerry Thompson.
Board of Elections
The Board of Elections Supervisors oversee all Town of Kensington Elections. The Board consists of three members each of whom is appointed by the Mayor to serve a one-year term. Current Board Members consist of Council Member Ann Lichter (Council Liaison), Martha Deale, Kate DeWitt, and Robin Watson.
Ethics Commission
The Ethics Commission is charged with providing advisory opinions on matters of Public Ethics as set forth in Section 3 of the Town’s Code of Ordinances. The Commission consists of three members, each of whom is not employed by the Town and who are appointed by the Mayor to serve a two-year, staggered term. Current Commission Members consist of Council Member Nate Engle (Council Liaison), Tina Sherman (Chair), Deborah Eckert, and Mike McCurry.
Click here for additional information regarding the Town’s Ethics Procedures.
Click here for ethics procedures and complaint form.
Greenscape Committee
The Greenscape Committee provides recommendations to the Council regarding improving the Town’s greenscape, including its parks, rights-of-way, and public areas. The Committee consists of members of the community who volunteer to serve on a year-to-year, renewable basis. Current Committee Members consist of Ann Lichter (Chair), Mayor Tracey Furman, Jon Gerson, Tim Willard, Gloria Capron, Sabina Emerson, Yvonne Gurney, Julie O’Malley, Alison Oppenheim, Elisenda Sola-Sole, and Helen Wilkes.
Trees For Your Home, as featured in the September 2024 Journal
Development Review Board
The Development Review Board (DRB) reviews proposed development projects (DRB Guidelines) within the Town and provides input and feedback to developers in an effort to create a collaborative process between the Town and developers on projects being proposed within the Town limits. Committee members are appointed by the Mayor to serve year-to-year, renewable terms. Current Board Members consist of Council Member Conor Crimmins (Chair), Council Member Darin Bartram (Co-Chair), Mike Gordan, Mike Henehan, Mark Hudson, Leslie Maxam, and Andrew Roud.
The Town has various Volunteer (ad-hoc) Committees that are created periodically for the purpose of gathering and researching information for a specific topic on behalf of the Council. These Committees are always open to those that are interested and we ask that if you would like to join any of the below Committees to please contact the Mayor and Council.
Mobility & Traffic Committee
The Traffic and Mobility Committee reviews issues related to roadway safety, traffic control devices, roadway improvements, and traffic ordinance enforcement. Committee members are appointed by the Mayor to serve year-to-year, renewable terms. Current Committee Members consist of Council Member Nate Engle (Chair), Daniel Martin, Leslie Olson, David Romeo, Anne-Marie Turner, and Alan Simon. MD 185 Corridor Needs Analysis
Parking Task Force
The Parking Task Force was established in 2024 to address the increased demand for parking due to the success of the Town’s Business District. The Task Force’s mission is to research and analyze current parking capacity and needs, develop recommendations for the Town Council on managing current and future parking demand, identify strategies to alleviate parking congestion and conflicts, and improve mobility in Kensington.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Councilmember Lichter ( and Councilmember Crimmins ( who are co-Chairs of the Parking Task Force.
Pedestrian and Bicycling Access & Safety Working Group (PBASWG)
Established in July 2020 to explore options for increasing pedestrian and bicycle access and safety in and around the Town of Kensington (ToK). Working Group Chairs are Council Member Nate Engle and Alan Simon. WG Report & WG Presentation
You may find more information about what the Committee is working on here.
Sustainable Kensington
Sustainable Kensington, formerly know as the Green Team, formed in Fall 2022, and will help the Town identify cost effective and strategic ways to protect its natural assets using best practices in areas like water, energy, health, food and economy, in order to earn points towards Sustainable Maryland Certification. The Town is seeking residents, business and community leaders to join the Committee. Sustainable Kensington aims to reflect the overall demographics of Kensington, including members with differing income levels, ethnicities, races, ages, and housing types. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please contact Councilmember Lichter ( and Councilmember Engle ( who are co-Chairs of Sustainable Kensington.
Results from the recent Sustainable Kensington Survey may be viewed here.
On October 2024, The Town of Kensington Sustainable Kensington Committee received the prestigious Sustainable Maryland Certified Award at Maryland Municipal League Conference. Read all about it here.
2024 Committee Meeting Minutes
2023 Committee Meeting Minutes
2022 Committee Meeting Minutes
2021 Committee Meeting Minutes
2020 Committee Meeting Minutes
2019 Committee Meeting Minutes
2018 Committee Meeting Minutes
2017 Committee Meeting Minutes