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Public Notice – Temporary Sidewalk Closure (4000 Block of Knowles Avenue)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Temporary Sidewalk Closure (4000 block of Knowles Avenue)
As part of the previous public hearings and approval processes for the 4000 Knowles Avenue Townhouse project known as The Towns at Knowles Station, 4000 Knowles Venture, LLC, will be Closing a segment of sidewalk on the Southside of Knowles Avenue between Summit Ave. and Detrick Ave. However, the community will be able to cross Knowles Avenue at Summit and Connecticut Avenues, thereby keeping the desired pedestrian movements to and from the retail core in place without stoppage. This continued flow was requested by the State and Town leadership at the previous public hearings.
The minor segment of sidewalk closure may be seen on the attached plan.
This sidewalk closure will start at 9:00 AM Wednesday, May 12th, 2021 and end by 3:00 the same day. The intent is to conclude the utility work in one day and not need any further time. This notice is being sent to include two extra days if problems occur. Therefore, the maximum time this single segment of closure could include the same time frame from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM also on May 12, 2021 and May 19, 2021.
Should you have any questions, please send emails to the Town or to