The Mayor and Town Council Introduced Ordinance No. O-01-2021 at the January 11, 2021 Town Council Meeting. The Public Hearing has been set for Monday, February 8, 2021, 7:00 pm.
An Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Kensington Amending Chapter 2, “Government and Administration”, Article 2, “Elections”, Section 2-201, “General Voter Registration”, Section 2-202, “Distribution of Absentee Ballots”, Section 2-203, “Procedures of Absentee Voting”, and Section 2-204, “Canvassing of Absentee Ballots” of the Town Code to delete any requirement that a voter provide a reason for voting by Absentee Ballot and to delete an invalid provision with respect to eliminating voters from the supplemental list.