March Around Town Journal
Be sure to check out the Town Calendar of upcoming events in Kensington including the Car Show and Day of the Book. An ad hoc committee has been established to address issues raised last year about the types, frequency and timing of the Town’s events; thank you to Council Member Rodriquez for agreeing to lead this endeavor.
- New legislation with respect to storage “pods” has been passed by the Town Council; permits are required and time limits have been established based on circumstances.
- Efforts are underway to establish a decorative water fountain in Flinn Park; Mark Hudson, former Council Member Sexton and Council Member Rodriquez are overseeing this project; the topic was discussed at the Town Council’s March 14th meeting and will be formally addressed at an upcoming Council Meeting; design plans and information will be on the Town’s website soon.
- The new Pergola at Howard Avenue Park has been installed; the last component will be the shading material; thank you to Council Member Furman and the Greenscape Committee for their hard work.
- The improvements to Connecticut Avenue continue; the CSX bridge wrought iron fencing is complete as well as many of the median improvements; however, the final pavers and landscaping are not complete; there are some budget issues with the State Highway Administration and we are working with them to complete the project.
- The Town has been formally asked by the County Council to contribute $250,000 to the Noyes Library efforts for restoration and ADA accessibility; while this amount is out of the question, as it encompasses 15% of our total annual budget and the library is not Town property, the Town Council is considering another donation. In the past and currently, the Town has donated space for fundraisers, access to our public relations firm, and space for the Noyes Foundation events.
- The second story addition is finally underway to the Ayoub Carpet building on Metropolitan Avenue; this expansion project has been underway for years with several roadblocks along the way; I am happy the Ayoub family continues to stay in Kensington and prosper.
- A reminder that if you are having any contractors work on your home, be it construction or landscaping, we do have restrictions on the signage they place to advertise their business. Please contact the Town staff to determine if the signs are permitted.
- Thank you to our District 18 Team Members for their hard work in Annapolis again this Session; our team includes Senator Rich Madaleno, and Delegates Al Carr, Ana Sol-Gutierrez, and Jeff Waldstreicher.
- A reminder that dogs must be on a leash at all times within the Town limits, when outside of private property; that includes sidewalks and parks; multiple complaints have been received about loose dogs and these regulations are being strictly enforced.