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Leaf Collection Schedule
The Town’s Public Works Department will be collecting leaves beginning the week of October 28th and running through Friday, December 6th. There will be no scheduled collection zones this season, as the Crew will monitor the entire Town daily and will be collecting leaves throughout.
We ask that you please rake your leaves to the curb, but not into the street, as this creates surface drainage issues and possibly a potential fire hazard. Also, please refrain from parking your vehicles directly in front of or on top of the piles of leaves.
Leaf piles should consist of leaves only! By including grass clippings, mulch, twigs, and small branches, this damages our vacuum and is the number one reason for delays in the collection cycle each year. If we find that your pile of leaves contains anything besides leaves, we will skip your pile and you will be responsible for bagging the leaves on your own.
If you prefer to bag your leaves for regular brush pick-up, please use lawn bags or place them in a separate container from your trash and place them to the curb by 7 am each Tuesday. Do not place leaves in trash bags!