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Special thank you to Council Member McMullen, Town Clerk Susan Engels, Asst. Town Manager Matt Hoffman and Town Manager Sanford Daily for their steadfast work on the annual budget. The budget is an ever evolving process that has improved each year, producing a balanced financial plan, easily read and understood; depicting how our tax money is used to serve Kensington residents.
The Town and the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department intend to sponsor Movie in the Park again this season. Stay tuned for details. Thank you to President Steve Semler and Chief Jayme Heflin.
I recently attended and spoke at the KVFD’s dedication of the new custom-designed Pierce “pumper” fire engine “E705”. This state of the art $600,000 fire engine is being made possible by the generosity of the contributions from Kensingtonians. The new fire engine was dedicated in memory of the late Deputy Fire Chief Robert “B.T.” Tantardini, who devoted a lifetime of distinguished service to KVFD and our community.
Thank you to the Kensington Park Community and Director Barbara Duncan for having me as a guest speaker to address the latest happenings in Town. To my pleasant surprise, much of the discussion focused on the Sector Plan and new development.
I was also invited to speak at the ribbon cutting for one of our newest businesses, Java Nation, located in the Kensington Shopping Center by Hardware City. Java Nation serves various coffee beverages as well as breakfast and lunch foods; and soon to be open in the evening with a dinner menu. Thank you to the owner Henry and the General Manager Brian for including the Town in their new venture’s beginning. (Photo courtesy of Barrie Carr)
Town Staff, Montgomery County’s Park & Planning Staff and I met out on the south side of Town to address the clean-up of Silver Creek and the invasive plant species as well as replanting the area. A plan will be presented at an upcoming Council Meeting.