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The Kensington 8K Race, 2 Mile Challenge and 1K Fun Run is Saturday, September 24, 2022! Known throughout the DC Area as a true community race - parents and kids […]
A special fundraising event in collaboration with GIGS Courtyard and Jubilee. This evening will feature acoustic performances by tons of GIGS staff members and students as well as members of […]
Bonjour Books is the Washington, DC areas French Bookstore. If you’ve been thinking about registering for one of our classes, join us for an Open House! The week of October […]
To All Local Kensington Businesses: Please join Mayor Furman and Coucilmembers Bartram, Crimmins and Lichter for a Meet & Greet. Tuesday, October 4 | 9-10am 3710 Mitchell Street 2nd floor […]
Shop locally at this special late hour opening of tumbleweed! Enjoy some refreshments and join local author Christine Virgin for a special book signing event. Christine's debut middle grade novel, The […]
The KVFD Golf Tournament is scheduled for Friday, October 7, 2022, at Leisure World Golf Course. Please register with John Kelly by October 3 at the following email: