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Dear Residents and Business Community:
While we have all been impacted by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and have seen both the physical and economic toll this disease has taken throughout the world, I would like to take this moment to reflect on how wonderfully our community has pulled together thus far. Whether it is our residents continuing to support our local businesses through carry-out or online offerings, or finding joy through the overwhelming response to the Rainbow Hunt on KensingTown, our community continues to display an incredible amount of passion and dedication in support of each other. These are difficult times for everyone, and my hope, even by social distancing at six feet away, is that we continue to extend this kindness to all of those around us.
There are an incredible amount of people working hard day and night to help protect us and provide the necessities that we need to continue to stay strong during this time. Please take a moment and thank our mail and parcel carriers, grocery store employees, pharmacists, healthcare providers, emergency responders, refuse collectors, and the Town Crew for their current efforts and the difficult days ahead.
Kensington Businesses and Restaurants
Did you know that our Town has nearly 250 businesses? Many of these are small businesses and restaurants that need our help while they continue to serve our community through online, carry-out, or curb-side offerings to deliver the goods and services we need. Please keep our economy healthy and support our local businesses.
Small Business Resource information may be found at the following links:
Montgomery County Economic Development
State of Maryland Department of Commerce
Maryland Department of Labor - Small Business Grants
Kensington Farmers’ Market
The State of Maryland has recommended that the Farmers’ Markets remain open during the State of Emergency to maintain an adequate supply line of fresh produce. The Town will be making necessary adjustments to promote social distancing and provide access to hand sanitizer for both patrons and vendors. The Market hours on Saturday will remain 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at the Kensington Train Station and will have fresh produce, poultry, meat, seafood and prepared foods.
Town Collection Services and Operational Hours
The Town has temporarily suspended bulk collections in an effort to help our contractor, Ecology Services, maintain a consistent schedule. If the Town determines that we need to amend our existing collection schedule in the coming weeks, we will provide information through our email notification system and our website.
The Town’s operational hours have been modified to 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (Monday – Friday), effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020. While Town Hall remains closed to public access during this time, the Town staff is still available to answer any concerns or questions the community may have. We encourage you to send an online Service Request, or you may email a staff member directly. You may also contact Town Hall by calling 301-949-2424. Any changes to the Town’s modified operational hours will be provided through our email notification system and on the Town’s website.
2020 Census
Please be reminded that the 2020 Census questionnaire should be completed online by April 1, 2020. Residents should have received at least two (2) notifications by mail to complete the questionnaire, which takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
The Census is very important for local jurisdictions, as the data is used to help fund education, health, transportation, and public safety initiatives within our County and community. Additional information may be found here.
WSSC - Water
WSSC has asked that we remind everyone to refrain from disposing of disinfecting wipes into the toilet, as this may cause unnecessary blockages. Additional information pertaining to WSSC’s COVID-19 response may be found here.
Montgomery County
Montgomery County continues to hold weekly conference calls updating local municipalities with regard to COVID-19. We will provide any imperative information back to the community following each weekly conference call. A list of Montgomery County closures may be found here.
Maryland Department of Health
Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services
Tracey Furman, Mayor
Please contact the Town staff with any questions: 301-949-2424