Dear Kensington Residents and Business Community:
While we continue to adapt to the rapidly changing situation by adhering to the recommendations by both the State of Maryland and the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, we would like to provide the following updates to the community.
Town Parks
The Town will be posting Advisory signs at all Town and County Parks within our corporate limits later today advising the public that Social Distancing is in effect within all of our Parks. In addition, Montgomery Parks has posted the following advisory:
While we are not closing our parks, and lack the physical means to do so, we urge anyone who visits a park to observe recommendations from public health officials and avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. In addition, park visitors should refrain from using playground equipment and avoid contact with surfaces that are frequently touched by other people and participation in activities involving physical contact or sharing of equipment.
This means, for example, that park patrons should not touch playground equipment, play team sports such as soccer, baseball, or basketball, or touch restroom doors without using hand sanitizer. On the other hand, going for a hike or bike ride, shooting baskets on an otherwise empty court, and other activities that do not involve coming into close proximity to other people or touching surfaces that could be infected are appropriate.
While our Parks will continue to remain open as well, we encourage all of our residents to observe and respect the recommendations by Montgomery Parks.
Town Collection Services and Operational Hours
Our collection services (trash, brush, and recycling) will continue to operate as scheduled. If a change to our collection services is determined to be necessary, we will provide additional information through our
email notification system and on the
Town’s website.
Town Hall remains closed to public access at this time. The Town staff is still available to answer any concerns or questions by calling 301-949-2424, sending a
Service Request, or by emailing a staff member directly. While operational hours continue to be 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday, we will most likely modify these hours beginning next week. Any changes to the Town’s operational hours will be provided through our
email notification system and on the
Town’s website.
Kensington Farmers’ Market
The State of Maryland has recommended that
Farmers’ Markets remain open during the State of Emergency to maintain an adequate supply line of fresh produce. The Town will be making necessary adjustments to promote social distancing and provide access to hand sanitizer for both patrons and vendors. The Market hours on Saturday will remain 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at the Kensington Train Station.
Kensington Restaurants – Takeout and Delivery Options
Kensington Around Town Journal
We have been advised by the United States Postal Service that there has been a delay with the delivery of our March/April Around Town Journal to the community. Please accept our apologies for this delay. We hope you can look beyond events that have since been canceled and read something interesting about our wonderful community before this crisis caused so many changes in our lives.
We encourage everyone to remain informed with updated information through the
Maryland Department of Health and to regularly wash your hands during this public health emergency.
Tracey Furman, Mayor