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October 2018 – From the Mayor
October 2018 Around Town Journal
We recently installed new Wayfinding signs along Connecticut, Armory, Howard, and Metropolitan Avenues to help direct visitors to our Historic Business District, along with other points of interest. Also, you may have noticed that we have temporarily removed our Gateway signs, which are currently being refurbished and will be back by Thanksgiving.
The ‘I Found it in Kensington’ campaign officially kicked-off on October 22nd and will run through December. The campaign will include advertising on Ride-On buses and help promote business within the Town.
Kensington Cabin was recently restored and formally dedicated in honor of former Mayor Jayne Plank on October 20th.
Many thanks to Kensington Can! for organizing the 1st Annual Explore Kensington Day on October 21st.
SAVE THE DATE . . . Sat., Apr. 6, 2019, as the Town will be celebrating our 125th Birthday at Town Hall. Additional information will follow.