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What are the Town’s Office Hours?
Office Hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. We are located at 3710 Mitchell Street on the third floor of the old Armory building.
Do I Live Within the Town’s corporate limits?
Please check the boundary map. If you are still unsure, you may contact Town Hall.
Do I Live in the Kensington Historic District?
Please check the Historic District boundary map. If you are still unsure, you may contact Town Hall.
When are Town Council Meetings and are they open to the public?
Town Council meetings are held monthly, typically on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at 7pm. Council meetings are held in the Council Meeting Room, located on the ground floor of Town Hall. Town Council meetings are open to the public, except that the Council may meet in closed session for any lawful purpose. For information on upcoming Town Council meetings, please visit the Town’s Events Calendar.
I’m interested in joining a Town Committee, what is the process?
We are always looking for interested volunteers to serve on our Committees. If you would like to be considered, please contact the Mayor or a member of the Town Council. Likewise, you may contact Staff at Town Hall during regular office hours.
My Street Light is out/flickering, who do I call?
Please fill out our service request form for Streetlights. Please have the pole number available or at least the closest street address.
Do I need a Building Permit?
In most cases, yes. Please check with the Town Hall staff to determine the type of permit you may need. You may find more information about permits by clicking here.
What do the Miss Utility color codes mean?
The Nationally adopted Uniform Color Code is used to mark the approximate location of underground facilities. The markings appear as flags, paint, or both and are explained here.