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From Mayor Fosselman – March 2014
Three (3) of the Connecticut Avenue upgrades will begin in the early spring. This includes new medians with decorative pavers and planting beds. As a result, we must find new homes for the planters all along the Avenue. The Town will relocate or transplant some of them to Town Hall, Town Parks and the new Montgomery Avenue/Kensington Parkway intersection. But many will be left over. The planters originally cost over $100 each, and are made of high grade plastic and contain a compact Yew in them. The Town will sell them for $25.00 each. If you are interested in buying a planter or two, please contact Jason Swain at 301-949-2424 or
With the multiple snow storms this season, we have an excess of salt and sand on our streets and sidewalks. Streets will be professionally swept in the coming weeks. However, the immediate curbs and sidewalks are the property owner’s responsibility. Please clean up the areas in front of your home or business and report any damaged walks or pedestrian hazards to the Staff at 301-949-2424 or
The Town Manager and I continue to work closely with the County on solutions to the Silver Creek flooding. We recently met with County Executive Leggett as well as the Department of Environment and shared pictures of the damage and detailed studies of the north and south side issues. Executive Leggett has promised County assistance and a plan is in the works.
The 1st Annual Potluck Dinner and Chili Cook-off was held on Sunday, February 9th at the Town Hall with over 200 in attendance. I would like to thank the planning committee members for their hard work and efforts to make this happen: Barrie Carr, Megan Griggs, Paul Sexton, Dawn Frattarelli, Duane Rollins, Lauren Robinson, Angelika Stablow, Jennifer Beaudet, and Judy Beach-Uhlman. Special thank you to Tracey Furman and St. Paul’s Church as well as Jayme Heflin and the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department.
We continue to need volunteers for the new Greenscape Committee. The mission is “to promote the health, safety, and welfare of those who live, work, and otherwise spend time in the town's outdoor environment." At the moment, volunteers include Tracey Furman, Julie O’Malley, Barbara Scharman, Helen Wilkes, John Bailey, and Karen Sage. If you are interested in serving, please contact me at or 301-949-2424. Thank you to Barbara Scharman, Tracey Furman and Helen Wilkes for their months of work on the formation of this committee.
A reminder that you need a permit to place any items ( i.e., structures, plantings, fencing) in the right-of-way of the street. The right-of-way is the area from the curb of the street that extends a certain distance into your yard. This area is controlled by the Town for street tree planting and sidewalk construction/maintenance; as well as underground utility placement/repair.