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Kensington Snow Notice
Dear Kensington Residents:
With the expected snow accumulations this weekend, we ask that you please take the initiative to park your vehicles off of the street wherever possible. Additionally, we ask that you please coordinate with your neighbors and not park directly across from each other, as this makes it very difficult for our Crew members to maneuver the snow plow through the street.
Residents along Dupont Avenue; Farragut Avenue; Perry Avenue; and Washington Street are especially asked to heed our request of parking on only one side of the street.
Fire Hydrants - Residents that live in close proximity to a fire hydrant are asked to clear them periodically so that our Crews are aware of their location, and to help identify them in case of an emergency.
Sidewalks - It is the responsibility of each Resident to clear a sufficient pathway along any sidewalk within twenty-four (24) hours from the time the snow stops. The Town understands that the projected accumulation may make this difficult; however, we ask that you please remove snow and ice, or apply an abrasive (sand or salt), as soon as possible.
- Residential sidewalks located on Connecticut and Summit Avenues will be cleared by the Town Crew.
The Town Crew is prepared for the storm and will begin plowing after an accumulation of two (2) inches. In the event the storm begins as sleet or freezing rain, the Crew will begin applying salt immediately.
In addition, we would like to remind Residents to please avoid driving around, unless necessary, until our Crew has adequately plowed our streets curb-to-curb.
The Washington Post has provided a Blizzard Checklist as a reminder of things to think about prior to the storm.
Please have a safe weekend and enjoy the snow!
Town staff