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June 2013
Congratulations to Council Members Elect Darin Bartram and Paul Sexton. Thank you for your willingness to serve Kensington. Tracey, Sean and I look forward to working with you. The Town Election eve is most enjoyable to me because so many residents come out to vote; it is a true community event.
Special thank you to outgoing Council Members Mackie Barch and John Thompson. Mackie has served two terms; and John three. Both have contributed an enormous amount of time and true dedication to Kensington. I wish them well in their future endeavors. They know they will be called upon for advice.ok forward to working with you. The Town Election eve is most enjoyable to me because so many residents come out to vote; it is a true community event.
All Town Residents are invited to join us for a potluck picnic on Tuesday, July 2 at St. Paul Park at 6:30 pm (This does not replace our traditional Town Picnic in the fall). Ice Cream will be provided courtesy of the Town. Pre-decorating of bicycles for the 4th of July Parade will be underway. Thank you Cyndy Bragg, Barrie Carr, and Dawn Frattarelli for organizing this fun summer occasion.
Additional renovations have begun on the exterior and interior of the Warner Circle Mansion. The house is being prepared to remove the 1950s wing on the south side.
The Federal ADA compliance project is well underway at Kensington Cabin Park on Kensington Parkway. While this is a county park, many Kensingtonians use the facility. A new walking path and play equipment are part of the endeavor.
The Town Council is shaping a community clean-up of the brush and overgrowth along Kensington Parkway, adjacent to Silver Creek. This is Park and Planning property that has endured the downside of budget cuts and very much in need of attention. Details including date and time are to be determined.
I had the pleasure of spending time with the students at Rock View Elementary School last winter. Recently I received a giant homemade Thank You from the students. Each time I visit a school, I learn so much from the children and appreciate our remarkable school system and our educators.
I hope you consider joining us on Thursday, June 27th for a benefit concert for Peter Roelvink, honoring his late wife Sharon. Sharon bravely battled cancer, but lost the fight last year. Peter has been left with an enormous amount of liability associated with Sharon’s illness beyond what their insurance would cover. As a result, neighbors came together and approached me about a fundraiser. See more information on page 11.
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