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Special thank you to the Town Staff and Labor Day Coordinators, Lisa Kelley-Connor and Tori Randall, as well as all of the sponsors and volunteers who helped make this year’s
Parade and Festival a success. Toni Ward served as our gracious Grand Marshall this year.
The Town Council and Staff continue to work on amendments to the Town’s Sign Ordinance; proposed changes include allowing A-frame signs for businesses and the tightening up of details for certain types of signs; beginning this fall, several of the pole signs above 6 feet along Connecticut and Metropolitan Avenues are now prohibited and will be removed; special thank you to former Council Members Chris Bruch and Delegate Al Carr for their insight to history as well as helpful suggestions during the public hearing.
The improvements to Connecticut Avenue continue on schedule; when the medians are completed, the chain link fence on the bridge will be replaced with wrought iron.
The Greenscape Committee will be taking up the topic of redesigning Howard Avenue Park on Tuesday, October 28th; the idea is to make the park more user friendly to compliment the Farmers’ Market and other community activities.
Beginning on Halloween Eve, the Kensington Arts Theatre presents “The Addams Family”; performances run through November 22nd.
Be sure to stop by the Town Hall on Saturday, November 1st to check out the 1st Annual Kensington Car Show; the event is sponsored by the Town as well as several local businesses and will feature live music from the “Nighthawks”.
I recently attended the Annual Kensington Volunteer Fire Department’s Open House; the KVFD gives so much to our community to keep us safe; please consider donating to them to keep their services strong within our community.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!