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The redesign of Montgomery Avenue and Kensington Parkway is well underway. Thank you to the Staff and all of the Residents who participated in the design process over the last 4 years. The new intersection will slow speeders and increase the green space 300%.
The Town hosted a Business Mixer for all entrepreneurs in Kensington on September 30th—over 60 attended. Also present were the Director of the Mid-County Services Center, Board Members of the Kensington Business District Association and the Chamber of Commerce; as well as Maier Warner PR and the County Police. Ideas were exchanged and issues addressed.
Members of the Design Guidelines, Development Review Board, and the Revitalization Committees gathered for a roundtable discussion with Maier Warner reps to evaluate the 2013-2014 Maier Warner Contract. A vote will be taken on October 21st.
A letter will be sent to the County Council, from the Montgomery County Maryland Municipal League Chapter, signed by each mayor, expressing our concerns with the Office of Legislative Oversight’s (OLO) Report on Municipal Tax Duplication and Revenue Sharing.
The Noyes Library Foundation had a successful fundraiser and 120th birthday celebration on Saturday, October 12th. I had the honor of MCeeing the event and County Executive Ike Leggett was the special guest. Thank you to all of the volunteers and sponsors.
The Town continues to work with the State Highway Administration on the refurbishing of the Connecticut Avenue median to add decorative pavers and new plantings. Also working on a new wrought iron fence for the CSX rail crossing bridge.
I attended a leadership breakfast hosted by our District 1 County Council Member, Roger Berliner. Several neighborhood leaders and municipal members attended for a productive question and answer period.
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The Silver Creek clean up for Day To Serve began on September 28th with several volunteers. Thank you to them all as well as former Council Member, John Thompson, for leading the task; and the Temple Housing Apartments for assisting. The goal of the project is to improve Silver Creek overall – functionally and visually. The creek floods and the banks are deteriorating. The invasive bamboo has taken over the site, reduced the adjacent green space, and is harming the native trees and plants. The bamboo is to be removed – roots and all, new rip-rap placed along the creek banks, deciduous trees planted (donated by Temple Emanuel), evergreens installed by the Town, and the grassy areas refined with native plants and flowers. We are coordinating the efforts with Park and Planning.