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From Mayor Fosselman – January 2014
From Mayor Fosselman – January 2014
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We recently lost former Mayor Jack Jones. Jack was one of the original residents who encouraged me to run for Mayor and he remained a mentor throughout my tenure. The celebration service for Jack’s life reflected his strong commitment to his family, friends and the Town. The Council and I extend our sympathies to Jackie Jones and her family.
Phase 1 (paving and sidewalks) and phase 2 (intersection of Howard Avenue) of the enhancements to Connecticut Avenue are almost complete. Phase 3 will begin in the early spring. This includes new medians with decorative pavers and planting beds.
The improvements to the intersection of Montgomery Avenue and Kensington Parkway are almost finished as well. The new traffic pattern and crosswalks with brick pavers are already slowing traffic down and have greatly improved the appearance of the area. Weather permitting, fresh landscaping will be in place by early spring increasing the green space by 300%.
The Town Council voted to increase our alcohol service district to include the 10401 Connecticut Avenue property (Bakers Union) in hopes of attracting a new food establishment to that building. Delegate Al Carr has initiated the bill (MC 15-14) at the state level; and we appreciate his continued support and work on behalf of Kensington.
In addition, Delegate Carr is sponsoring the County & Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act which will allow the Town to purchase and maintain our own street lights. This has been a long time priority and revenue saver for Kensington as well as our neighboring municipalities.
I hope that all of you are able to attend our first annual Potluck Dinner on Sunday, February 9th, 4-7pm at the Town Hall (details on p. 1). I would like to thank the planning committee members for their hard work and efforts to make this happen: Barrie Carr, Megan Griggs, Dawn Frattarelli, Duane Rollins, Lauren Robinson, Angelika Stablow, Jennifer Beaudet, and Judy Beach-Uhlman.
The Town is forming a new committee and seeking volunteers to serve: Greenscape Committee. The mission is “to promote the health, safety, and welfare of those who live, work, and otherwise spend time in the town's outdoor environment." If you are interested in serving, please contact me at or 301-949-2424. Thank you to Barbara Scharman, Tracey Furman and Helen Wilkes for their months of work on the formation of this committee.
After 5 long years, come September 2014 all signs over 6 feet within the Town limits must come down and be replaced with monument style (i.e., new Exxon/Mobil and Capital One Bank) signs no higher than 6 feet. This includes all gas stations, banks, and retail sites.
Reminder that our Farmers’ Market is still open during the winter months on Saturdays, from 8am to Noon.
Happy New Year to everyone and I wish all of you a prosperous 2014!