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From Mayor Fosselman – December 2014
Coming February 2015, Kensington’s 2nd Annual Chili Cook-off & Potluck Dinner; details to be announced in January.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the St. Paul Park playground replacement process; special recognition for leadership goes to residents Anna Sachs and Lauren Dworkin; we hope to have the new equipment in place by March 2015.
The Town is featured within Montgomery Magazine’s December-January edition, noting our diverse and unique shops.
Thank you to the staff and all of the volunteers for our annual Christmas Tree and Menorah lighting ceremonies; both events had great turnouts. Particular praise for the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department who escorted Santa and handed out free fire detectors.
Thank you to the Woman’s Club of Kensington and the Woman’s Community Club of Kensington for decorating the Victorian Room at Town Hall for the holidays.
The amendments to our sign ordinance are finally complete and will take effect January 1, 2015; this has been a long time in the making and will significantly reduce the sign pollution and clutter around Town.
The Town’s Audited Financial Statements for the year ending June 30, 2014 is complete; Kensington has a very healthy fiscal status; thank you to our auditor, Linton Shafer Warfield & Garrett, Town Manager Daily, Clerk-Treasurer Engels and the Audit Committee Volunteers: Jeff Capron, Kerry Thompson and Leslie Olson.
Thank you to the Brookewood School and Holy Redeemer’s Children's Choir for performances during the Armory Avenue Holiday Celebration on December 20th; and thank you to all of the local businesses who sponsored the event.
We’ve had a great year in Kensington with much to be proud of and thankful for; I wish everyone a Happy 2015.