- The benefit concert for Peter Roelvink, honoring his late wife Sharon was an enormous success raising over $6,000. Thank you to Town Resident Mark Idler, Rock Creek Neighbor Michael Atkin and Town Council Member Sean McMullen for coordinating the event.
- Reminder that the Town listserve is separate from the Kensingtown list on Yahoo.com. In order to receive the official messages and important information such as Town events, street repairs, snow removal, and other services, please go to TOK.MD.GOV and click on “Sign Up” in the bottom right corner.
- Reminder the Town Council is coordinating a fall community clean-up of the brush and overgrowth along Kensington Parkway, adjacent to Silver Creek. This is Park and Planning property that has endured the downside of budget cuts and is very much in need of attention. Details including date and time are to be determined.
- Maryland's First Lady, Katie O'Malley, promotes a wonderful education and nutrition page for kids. Check out this month's recipe as well as the previous postings:
https://www.governor.maryland.gov/wellness/chopchop. The O’Malley’s have also released a great cookbook that paires local Maryland foods with wines:
- Special Thank You to Residents Barbara Scharman, Helen Wilkes and Council Member Tracey Furman for assisting me with the new Green Committee (see page 9).
- Thank you as well to Barrie Carr, John Thompson and the KVFD for organizing and sponsoring the August 23rd Town Movie Night.
- Our gratitude to Resident Jill McCrory of Leadership Outfitters for directing and donating her time to our Council retreat; and St. Paul’s Methodist Church for providing the event space.
- The much anticipated phase 2 improvement of the Montgomery Avenue and Kensington Parkway intersection will be delayed until the first week of September. The Council has postponed construction to accommodate the Labor Day Parade.
- Phase 2 of the outdoor tree lighting along Antique Row will be installed later this month. Remaining streets are Montgomery, Fawcett and Armory.
- The Town continues to work with the State Highway Administration on the widening and greening of the Connecticut Avenue median; as well as replacing the fencing on the bridge that crosses the CSX tracks.