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Statement by MML President Ryan Spiegel regarding racial injustice with the unanimous support of the Executive Committee - June 9, 2020
The recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, along with so many others throughout our nation, are a tragic reminder of the terrible legacy and ongoing effects of systemic racism. The Maryland Municipal League condemns racism, bigotry, and hatred in all forms. We are committed to the values written into the U.S. Constitution that express freedom, justice, and equality, which should be at the heart of every level of government in America, especially the municipal governments that are closest to the People.
MML is proud of its diverse leadership and membership and of the hard work that municipal government officials and employees do everyday throughout Maryland, but the work to meet the promise of America comes up short for many. We will continue working to support the 157 cities and towns of Maryland and the 1.5 Million Marylanders who live in them, providing a platform for education, research, and sharing of experiences as municipalities confront the realities of society’s racial disparities and both conscious and unconscious biases – whether in education, housing, criminal justice, health, jobs, or other aspects of American life. We explicitly stand against anti-blackness.
MML is there for our members who are working to invest in improvements and reforms to local government operations, to acknowledge the good things that municipalities and their personnel are already doing, and to ensure public safety during the COVID-19 pandemic while protecting the right to peaceably assemble. In solidarity with our members and with all who have worked to end racism and discrimination, MML also regularly endeavors to improve its own organizational operations to align with these principles.
We encourage any of the mayors, councilmembers, or other municipal officials in Maryland to reach out to us if we can be of assistance in your efforts to connect, share, educate, learn, and better our communities as we Reimagine a Tomorrow in which no one is subjected to fear, violence, or other disadvantage simply because of the color of their skin.
For a full list of municipalities that have endorsed this statement, including the Town of Kensington, click here.