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February 2017 Around Town Journal
February 2017 Around Town Journal
I am excited to announce that Kensington Residents, Lisa Salamat and Nicole Andrews, have volunteered to update the Town Directory on behalf of the newly formed KTown Ladies Guild. Our last Directory was published in 2012, so we are long overdue for an updated edition. The Ladies Guild is also working on the possibility of providing the Directory information online through a protected password.
Lisa and Nicole will be recruiting block captains to help collect Resident information. While we hope that most Residents will provide the information electronically, through the email address on the inserted form, the block captains will make sure that no one is missed; if they want to be included. Please consider VOLUNTEERING as a block captain by emailing Lisa and Nicole.
The 2nd District Community Service Officer, Oliver Janney, with the Montgomery County Police will be present at our March 13th Council Meeting to discuss crime prevention and current issues. Many Residents have expressed concerns about recent crime, so I encourage you to attend, as this will be your opportunity to ask questions.