We are looking for the following types of performers:
Singers and/or Dancers – Audition should consist of 24 to 32 bars (or a verse and chorus) of a song that showcases your voice. Please bring sheet music, an accompanist will be provided. Come prepared to learn and perform a short choreographed routine.
Comedians – Prepare a 1.5 to 3 minute stand-up routine.
Jugglers – Please no sharp instruments, prepare a 1.5 to 3 minute routine.
Magicians – Prepare an 1.5 to 3 minute routine.
Ventriloquists – Prepare a 1.5 to 3 minute routine.
All other Actors – Prepare thy selves. If your unique talent isn’t specifically listed, this one’s for you! Prepare a 1.5 to 3 minute showcase of your talent.
All roles are open, unpaid, and available for ages 17 and older.
Please SIGN UP HERE to secure an audition slot. Any performer who wants to audition to dance, should sign-up for both a Solo and Group slot.
For more information, visit britishplayers.org/auditions.